The site was developed in 2022 and our mission is to offer high quality, user friendly, easy to access editable sample contract administration form templates online to builders that may help to minimize some of the risks that builders and remodelers face when building projects.

By using THE CONTRACTOR’S LEGAL KIT.COM website (the "Site") or any of THE CONTRACTOR’S LEGAL KIT forms and ebook user guide ("Applications"), you agree to follow and be bound by these terms of use (the "Terms of Use"). In these Terms of Use, the words "you", "your" and “end user” refer to each customer, Site visitor, or Application/Form user, or your entity's representatives, agents, contractors, affiliates, employees, etc…, “site” refers to the Contractor’s Legal Kit website, "we", "us", “company” and "our" refer to THE CONTRACTOR’S LEGAL KIT website and its owner, THE CONTRACTOR’S LEGAL KIT, LLC (herein referred to as “Company”); and “forms” refers to the CONTRACTOR’S LEGAL KIT forms.

However, please note that these sample form templates are not legal advice and the Company is not a law firm or an attorney and therefore we cannot and are not offering legal advice of any kind to you when you access this site and/or purchase and use THE CONTRACTOR’S LEGAL KIT forms. Use of the form templates and ebook user guide on this site does not constitute the formation of any kind of attorney/client relationship between you and us or any attorney. Because neither the company or this site is a law firm or an attorney, you understand and agree that you are representing yourself at all times whenever you use the forms or information on this site. You further understand that you should seek and obtain legal advice from a licensed attorney in your local area who is familiar with construction law before using or relying on any of the forms or information on this site.

Do not purchase THE CONTRACTOR’S LEGAL KIT forms and ebook user guide if you do not consent and agree to be bound by all the Terms of Use herein. You understand that these Terms of Use affect your legal rights and obligations. If you do not agree to be bound by all of these terms, please do not purchase the forms on this site.  

The forms and ebook user guide on this site are provided only as general information and may or may not reflect the most current legal developments, your specific needs or laws applicable to the state where you conduct business and therefore information provided and the template forms on this site are not promised or guaranteed to be correct or complete for your specific use or the state where you conduct business.

By purchasing the forms and ebook user guide on this site, you are granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable personal license to use the forms currently available for download from this site strictly in accordance with these Terms of Use. You agree not to use the Applications and forms available on this site in any unlawful manner. All Applications and forms on this site are the property of the Company and protected by copyright and other laws that protect intellectual property and proprietary rights. You agree to observe and abide by all copyright laws and restrictions related to your use of the Applications and forms available for download on this site.

You understand and agree that the forms and ebook user guide on this site are not for resale and may not be posted on any other websites or used, transferred, shared or gifted to others in any unauthorized manner by you. By ordering or downloading forms form this site, you agree that the forms you purchase and download may only be used by you for your personal or business use and may not be sold or redistributed in any manner without the express written consent of the Company. Except as authorized in these Terms of Use, you agree that you have no right to share, copy, post in any medium, distribute, resell, gift, create derivative works of the forms for sale and distribution, or in any way use any of the forms or information on this site in any manner, except for modifications in filling out and revising the forms for your own authorized use.

You acknowledge and agree that you will not access, use, download or export the site, forms, or the information on this site in violation of United States export laws or regulations or in violation of any other applicable laws or regulations.

You further understand and agree that we cannot guarantee that the information in the Applications, forms and ebook user guide will meet your specific needs or conform to the laws in the state where you conduct business. Neither the Company nor any of its owners or employees shall be held liable or responsible for any errors or omissions in the forms or Applications on this site or for any damage you may suffer as a result of you failing to seek competent advice from a legal professional who is familiar with your business and legal needs before you rely on or use the forms in any way. You agree to take full responsibility for any harm or damage you suffer as a result of the use of the Applications and forms available on this site. You agree to use good judgment and conduct due diligence before taking any actions or relying on any of the forms or Applications on this site. You understand and agree that that your ultimate success or failure in relying in any way upon the forms and Applications on this site or using the forms downloaded from this site will be the result of your own efforts, a review and revision of the forms by your own local attorney prior to use, your particular situation and needs and innumerable other circumstances beyond the control and/or knowledge of the Company.

You further agree that by purchasing the forms and ebook user guide on this site that you do not acquire any ownership rights in any forms or Applications on this site. We do not grant you any licenses, express or implied, to the Applications or forms on this site except as expressly authorized by these Terms of Use or as otherwise agreed to in writing between you and the Company. As set forth more fully in the Disclaimer, the information, Applications and forms available for download on this site are for educational and informational purposes only and are not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as legal advice or any other professional advice.
After downloading the forms and ebook user guide, you should read all template forms with care, fill in, modify, delete, add language to or revise portions of the template forms according to your specific needs, the laws of your state and only with the advice of your own local attorney.

BINDING AGREEMENT: These Terms of Use constitute a binding agreement between you and us. This Agreement and the Terms of Use shall be effective as of the date you accept the Terms of Use herein or first access, download or use any of the forms or Applications on the site and shall remain in effect for so long you use, reuse or access any of the forms or applications on this site.

LAWS MAY FROM STATE TO STATE AND INDIVIDUAL NEEDS WILL VARY: Please be aware that despite all the years of effort put into creating and revising these forms over the years, no generic set of forms like the ones found on this site or the general information on this site can completely satisfy all the unique business needs, project requirements and meet the varying legal requirements placed on contractors in different states who are preparing construction agreements and contract administration documents for different types of projects, i.e. residential vs. commercial projects, new construction vs. remodels, etc... There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to editable contract administration form templates. Therefore, the editable form templates on this site are intended to be a good starting point only and should be thoroughly and carefully reviewed and modified by you and your own local attorney before being used.

DISCLAIMER: We hereby fully disclaim liability to any and all parties for any and all loss or damage related to the use of THE CONTRACTOR’S LEGAL KIT forms and information found on this site. You agree that you bear the sole risk of your use of the Applications and Forms on this site and accept the Applications and forms on this site in their “as is” and “as available” condition.  We do not assume any liability whatsoever for any loss or alleged damage caused by your use of the forms or information on this site and you agree that we are not responsible for and are released from any damages you may claim or suffer whether direct, indirect, consequential, special, punitive or compensatory as a result of using the Applications/Forms on this site. By using THE CONTRACTOR’S LEGAL KIT.COM site or any of THE CONTRACTOR’S LEGAL KIT forms or information, you will be acting strictly as your own attorney and are simultaneously strongly advised to have your own attorney review and revise the forms before you use or rely on them in any way. You further agree that NO attorney client relationship of any kind is established or implied by using this site or purchasing and utilizing the forms contained in THE CONTRACTOR’S LEGAL Kit and NO general legal advice, specific legal advice or legal advice of any kind is being offered by us or anyone associated with this site. You understand, agree and affirm by using this site that THE CONTRACTOR’S LEGAL KIT forms and information on this site are not a substitute for you obtaining the advice and review of a licensed and experienced attorney in your local area in relationship to your use of any of the forms and/or information obtained from this site.

Furthermore, we do not warrant the suitability, accuracy or completeness of the information or forms for your individual business or the effect the use of the information or forms on this site will have on your own business or legal affairs in the state where you do business. The information, forms and content on this site are intended to be used only as a starting point and, prior to your use, should be thoroughly reviewed and revised by your own local attorney who is familiar with your specific business needs, the subject matter and applicable state laws affecting construction agreements and contract administration forms which may vary from state to state.


RELEASE, HOLD HARMLESS & INDEMNIFICATION: Except as prohibited by law and to the fullest extent permitted by law, you agree to release, hold harmless and indemnify the Company along with its affiliated members, managing members, directors, agents, partners, insurance carriers, employees, members, partners, predecessors, successors in interest and assigns for any and all claims, costs, losses, expenses, damages, consequential damages, punitive damages, special damages, incidental damages, lawsuits, legal actions of any and every kind under any and every legal cause of action, demands, judgments, costs of suit (including attorney’s fees and costs of suit) arising out of or in any way related to your use of the forms and Applications obtained from this site and your violation of any of the Terms of Use of this site or violation of any applicable, laws, regulations or rules related to your use of the forms or information on this site.

FORMATTING: THE CONTRACTOR’S LEGAL KIT forms and information are in a Word format and you are solely responsible for assuring that your computer can read this format before purchasing the forms and agree that all formatting and compatibility issues of the forms to your computer hardware/software is your responsibility.


PRIVACY POLICY: Please click on the link below to access THE CONTRACTOR’S LEGAL KIT.COM privacy policy.

AUTHORIZED AND UNAUTHORIZED USE OF FORMS: THE CONTRACTOR’S LEGAL KIT forms and information ("Applications") may not be reprinted for commercial purposes or commercially sold or distributed in any manner by you or third parties or other entities. Purchase of THE CONTRACTOR’S LEGAL KIT forms does not grant you any intellectual property rights in or to THE CONTRACTOR’S LEGAL KIT forms. THE CONTRACTOR’S LEGAL KIT forms and information on this site ("Applications") are protected by copyright laws and may not be reproduced or transmitted in whole or in part in any unauthorized manner whatsoever inconsistent with the Terms of Use or copyright laws without the express permission of the Company. Notwithstanding the foregoing, only the original purchaser of the forms off this site has a limited license to modify, edit, print and use the forms for use in his/her construction business only. Law firms and other organizations interested in purchasing a limited license to use the Contractor’s Legal Kit forms in their business may email us using the contract button listed on this site for pricing and terms.

JURISDICATION/VENUE: Any disputes related to the forms and Applications on this site or these terms of use will be governed solely by the internal laws of the state of California, without reference to its conflict of law rules. You irrevocably consent to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in Santa Cruz County, California and/or the United States District Court for the Northern District of California, respectively.

In the event that a provision of these Terms of Use & Disclaimer is held to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable, such provision will be interpreted to fulfill its intended purpose to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, and the remaining provisions of this Terms of Use agreement will continue in full force and effect.

FUTURE REVISION OF TERMS OF USE: We encourage you to review these Terms of Use of periodically. If at any time you or your legal counsel find these Terms of Use unacceptable or if you do not agree to these Terms of Use, please do not use this Site or any of the forms or Applications. The Company reserves the right to revise these Terms of Use at any time without prior notice to you. The most current version of the Terms of Use will supersede all prior versions. We reserve the right to change the content of Terms of Use, THE CONTRACTOR’S LEGAL KIT forms and Applications on this site at any time without prior notice to you. For any questions about the Terms of Use, please use the Contact Us tab on the home page.

ALL SALES FINAL - NO REFUNDS: You understand and agree by downloading forms from this site that all sales are final and the Company does not offer any money-back guarantees. You understand and agree that you shall not be entitled to a refund for purchase of the forms under any circumstances.

THE CONTRACTOR’S LEGAL KIT.COM is a US-based website. Laws vary from state to state in the United States and certainly laws vary significantly from country to country and therefore information and forms on this site may not be useful in other countries.

THE CONTRACTOR’S LEGAL KIT.COM website and it applications are owned and operated by THE CONTRACTOR’S LEGAL KIT, LLC. We are not a law firm, an attorney or a substitute for an attorney or law firm. Use of our forms are strictly governed by our Terms of Use which you accept by purchasing The Contractor’s Legal Kit forms. If you have any questions about these Terms of Use, be sure to direct those questions via the Contact Us link on the site before purchasing the forms. Thank you for reading and accepting these Term of Use and we hope you will enjoy and find value in the forms and the information on this site.

The Contractor’s Legal Kit is trademarked and owned by The Contractor's Legal Kit, LLC.